Urban Traffic Controlis the science and engineering behind adaptively moving traffic in the most efficient manner based on the degree of saturation (the amount of time vehicles spend on a lane traffic loop). There are various systems such as SCATS ( www.scats.com.au ) and SCOOT, ITACA and more. One of the more advanced and used such UTC systems is that developed by the Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW in Sydney, Australia. The system uses advanced queuing theory alogorithms to adapt in real time the signal phase times to ensure that the most amount of road traffic is moved without stifling side or lesser used road traffic. The SCATS system receives road traffic vehicle counts from Traffic Signal Controllers located at each intersection and then it sends the most optimal times the phases should be running. In this way, coordination across many intersections may be achieved resulting in smoother traffic flow in highly urban city centres.
This weblog discusses any subject surrounding the design and implementation of Urban Traffic Control (UTC) systems to manage road traffic in highly urban areas. From the design of traffic control rooms to the implementation of UTC systems, and optimisation of adaptive UTC systems such as SCATS.